The Alpha Canine Group

Offering a complete range of dog training and boarding services including:

All services use the same, easy and friendly training method that has the potential to achieve amazing results from all breeds of dogs, as well as work through most of the high-end behaviourial problems.

Service Synergy: When a consistent set of ideals and innovative service concepts from associated businesses combine to produce a greater base of overall knowledge and experience

This concept has not come from reading books or doing a course, it has come from long term dedication, hard work and deliberate focus on a true consistency of service across the five member businesses. On one level, this approach has produced the benefit of a cumulative knowledge and experience that now gives each individual business within The Alpha Canine Group a real credibility beyond the scope of its own specific service.

Service Synergy equates to a greater overall knowledge base for The Alpha Canine Group who represent a level of experience above and beyond the combination of the individual services within the group. Service Synergy is not just a clever concept name describing the effect of some accidental approach to business, it has been a driving force behind the development of the individual services from the very beginning, back in 1996. The goal has always been to tie them all in together when the time was right to do so. How this translates to the individual services is that the combined knowledge and experience from the businesses is always applied into the service strategies of each individual business. If you are looking to board your dog, Alpha Boarding Kennels has a proven approach to service that combines all the best knowledge and practices from the other businesses.

If you are intending to do a professional course through Alpha Canine Professional, then there is the combined experience from the other businesses that adds a reality to the course content that we believe can't be matched anywhere. All the trainers working for businesses within The Alpha Canine Group have been fully trained through the Alpha Dog Training Professional Dog Trainer's Course. The full-time professional trainers working for Boarding School For Dogs have also been trained in the Canine Leadership System and work with the Canine Good Behaviour Shaping System on a daily basis.

The standards set for the staff by each business are both realistic and consistent and have proven to be a very important factor in our success. These standards are quite high, but they are based on professional requirements that will hold true in the real world and in the end, also represent a true sense of achievement for those who are selected for employment on a full, casual or part-time basis. The excellent staff feedback we receive on this point alone is testimony to the fact that real (high) standards do translate to real job satisfaction!

From this brief description of Service Synergy you can see that a lot of thought goes into this exciting concept. For everyone involved it is an exciting service culture to be a part of, whether it's helping owners train their dogs, looking after and caring for dogs in the kennels or teaching professionals how to improve their understanding of training and handling, it all adds up to a high level of job satisfaction.


Pioneering new and exciting standards for positive, practical and relevant approaches to

  • Obedience Training

  • Owner Education

  • Canine Behavioural Management & Rehabilitation

  • Professional Courses for Dog Trainers


Photos taken at Kings Park Reserve (1997) & Ferntree Gully College


Photos taken at The Alpha Canine Centre in Knoxfield 2023

In 1996 we moved right away from the conventional theories and treat/food reliant concepts used heavily throughout our industry and instead focused on actively researching and developing realistic and relevant approaches to understanding, and more importantly, applying practical canine learning and behavioural principles. We did this by working 'hands-on' with thousands and thousands of real owners and their real dogs that were experiencing very real behavioural problems. This R&D took place in weekly training classes, boarding school for dogs and private tuition settings.

As a result of this R&D, our unique methods have proven to be effective in producing positive outcomes for canine behavioural issues that are still considered to be 'difficult' by many trainers and behaviourists, including aggression, fear, over-excitability and anxiety. Through Alpha Dog Training we offer owners and those interested in our professional courses a chance to check us out by attending a commitment free, introductory session and tour where you will see first-hand our methods in action. As many dog owners have found, their dog's behavioural issues aren't always what they seem on the surface and often the results from just one session are dramatic, if not inspiring.

Alpha Canine Behavioural Trainers specialise in methods that produce amazing results, results that often occur right before your eyes ­ even in the very first training session. Our methods go way beyond the exercises being taught and aim squarely at the overall relationship by helping owners to develop positive leadership that is clearly recognised by their dogs. By applying commonsense methods that are so obviously relevant to the dog's natural behavioural patterns, we can demonstrate amazing results in real-time and under distraction. It's from this starting point that we can plan realistic training and behaviour shaping strategies that allow owners to practice their leadership skills in a manner that is both natural and practical.